Mistress of My Domain

Blog software

So, I read the reviews, the comparisons, and the recommendations and in the end decided to go with Drupal for my blog software. Joomla was a strong contender for a while, but I was persuaded by the promised flexibility and power that Drupal is said to have. Had I posted this closer to the time that I was making these decisions, I would have included links to those persuasive documents, but at this point, not so much. If I went back and researched those links again for y’all, I’d never get any forward progress. You understand. 8)

Looking through the list of Drupal themes I picked NewsFlash by RoopleTheme for it’s relatively attractive look with minimal space requirements. Those themes with enormous pictures at the top can be very pretty, but where’s the space for my content? How’s the navigation look?

Obviously one of the first things to do is to make new logo. No point giving valuable screen space (on every page!) to the theme I’m using here (no matter how nice it is) and as soon as I come up with a good idea I’ll do that… maybe MoMD in a nice font? Pictures of the kids? 8) After that, that grey border has got to go.

Probably before all that (unless I’m procrastinating, perish the thought!) it’s the new year. That means taxes and inventory. Fun, fun.

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